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fascinate to capture and hold the attention and interest of; spellbind. [3 definitions]
fascinated extremely charmed or interested; enchanted.
fascinating capable of capturing one's intense interest and attention; enchanting; spellbinding.
fashion (prec. by "the") the style of dress or conduct in current favor. [7 definitions]
fashionable conforming to current trends or styles. [2 definitions]
fast1 moving or operating, or having the ability to move or operate, with speed. [12 definitions]
fast2 to cease to eat food. [4 definitions]
fasten to attach, join, or affix securely to something else or in place. [8 definitions]
fastener something used to fasten, such as a clip, button, pin, latch, or the like.
fast-food offering foods for sale that are quickly available for eating or taking out.
fat animal or plant substance that is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, is greasy to the touch, and is white or yellowish in color. [10 definitions]
fatal causing or having the potential to cause death. [4 definitions]
fat chance slight or no chance.
fate the nonhuman force that is often believed to decide events in human life. [6 definitions]
father a male parent. [10 definitions]
father-in-law the father of a person's wife or husband.
Father's Day in the United States, a day set aside to honor fathers, observed annually on the third Sunday in June.
fathom a unit of length equal to six feet, used to measure the depth of water or mines. [3 definitions]
fatigue mental or physical weariness, or the effort or strain that causes it. [8 definitions]
fatten to make fat or overweight. [4 definitions]
faucet a device for turning on and off the flow of liquid from a pipe or container; tap; spigot.