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Fe symbol of the chemical element iron.
fear an emotion characterized by alarm, anxiety, and tension, often caused by an expectation of danger or pain; dread. [8 definitions]
fearful having feelings of fear or apprehension. [4 definitions]
fearless without fear; undaunted; brave.
feast any sumptuous and elaborate meal, usu. for many people; banquet. [6 definitions]
feat an act or accomplishment, esp. one requiring courage, strength, or skill.
feather one of the structures forming the plumage of birds, consisting of a hollow, tapering, horny shaft growing from the skin and bearing a web of slender, parallel, interlocked barbs on either side. [12 definitions]
feature an element of the face such as the eyes, nose, or chin. [9 definitions]
Feb. abbreviation of "February," the second month of the Gregorian calendar year, usu. having twenty-eight days, but having one additional day every leap, or fourth, year.
February the second month of the Gregorian calendar year, usu. having twenty-eight days, but having one additional day every leap, or fourth, year.
fed past tense and past participle of feed.
federal of or relating to a system of government in which a number of states are united under and recognize the authority of a central government, yet have their own governments as well. [2 definitions]
federation the act of federating or joining together into a league of states. [2 definitions]
fed up at or beyond the limit of one's patience or tolerance.
fee a charge for services. [2 definitions]
feeble without strength or vigor, physically, mentally, or morally. [3 definitions]
feed to provide food for or give food to. [13 definitions]
feedback the returning of opinions, corrections, or other evaluative information after exposure to a product, process, or event. [6 definitions]
feed on usu. of animals, to eat (a certain type of thing) as food.
feel to perceive by actively touching, or perceive passively through one's skin. [15 definitions]
feeler a hint, suggestion, or question intended to cause another's thoughts or feelings to be revealed. [2 definitions]