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finch any of several related small, seed-eating birds, such as the sparrow, cardinal, and goldfinch.
find to encounter, come upon, or meet, esp. unexpectedly. [8 definitions]
find out to discover; learn; ascertain. [2 definitions]
fine1 excellent in quality, skill, character, or nature. [11 definitions]
fine2 a sum of money charged as a penalty for a crime or offense. [2 definitions]
finger one of the five jointed members at the end of the hand, esp. ones that are not the thumb. [8 definitions]
fingernail a hard, transparent piece that grows on the end of the top of the finger.
fingerprint an impression of the skin pattern in the fingertip left on an object that it has touched, esp. one made with ink and used as identification. [2 definitions]
finish to reach or cause the end of; complete. [11 definitions]
finished completed; ended. [4 definitions]
finish line a line or other marker indicating the end of a race.
Finland a Scandinavian country between Russia and Sweden.
Finn a native or citizen of Finland, or a descendant thereof. [2 definitions]
Finnish the main language of Finland. [2 definitions]
fiord variant of fjord.
fir any of numerous cone-bearing evergreen trees related to the pines. [2 definitions]
fire the effects, such as heat, light, and flames, produced by burning. [14 definitions]
fire alarm a device that gives off a noise to signal that a fire is occurring. [2 definitions]
firearm a small weapon, such as a pistol or rifle, from which a shot is fired using exploding gunpowder.
firecracker a small paper cylinder filled with gunpowder, used as a noisemaker, esp. during celebrations.
fire department a department of a city or town government that works to prevent and put out fires, or the persons employed in it.