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fireside the area adjacent to a fireplace. [2 definitions]
fire station a building in which firefighting equipment and trucks are kept and at which firefighters are housed or on duty.
fire truck see "fire engine."
fire up to get (something) burning, heating, or cooking. [2 definitions]
firewood wood for cooking or heating.
fireworks (sometimes used with a sing. verb) devices that burn or explode to produce noise, bright light, or a brilliant display of colors. [3 definitions]
firm1 hard and compact; solid. [6 definitions]
firm2 a business organization, often an unincorporated one.
first indicating rank or position before all others. [8 definitions]
first aid emergency medical treatment for injury or sudden illness, administered before regular medical care or more thorough treatment can be obtained.
first-aid kit a kit containing supplies for administering emergency treatment of injuries, poisoning, or sudden illness. It generally contains such things as bandages, antiseptics, and painkillers.
first baseman in baseball, the player whose position is at first base when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that base.
first-class of the highest in quality, rank, or grade; foremost; best. [4 definitions]
firsthand from the original source; directly. [2 definitions]
first off before anything else; immediately.
first-rate of the highest quality or rank. [2 definitions]
fish any of various cold-blooded vertebrates that live in water, have gills, fins, and a tail, and move by swimming. [7 definitions]
fisherman a person who catches fish either as a sport or as a means of income.
fishery the business or industry of catching, processing, or selling fish and other seafood. [3 definitions]
fishhook a metal hook with a barb and sharp tip, used to catch fish.
fishing the act of one who fishes. [2 definitions]