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flank the part of a human or animal between the hip and the ribs on either side of the body. [5 definitions]
flannel a soft, heavy fabric made of wool, cotton, synthetics, or a blend of these, used esp. for warm clothing or bed covering. [2 definitions]
flap to move the arms, wings, or the like rapidly up and down. [7 definitions]
flapjack a flat cake made by frying batter in a small amount of butter or other fat; pancake; griddlecake.
flare to blaze or burn brightly, esp. suddenly (often fol. by "up"). [8 definitions]
flash a sudden, brilliant light that vanishes almost instantly. [15 definitions]
flashcard any of a set of cards bearing words, numbers, or pictures, flashed briefly before a student or class to prompt a quick response in a drill.
flashlight a hand-held, usu. battery-powered lamp.
flask a rounded or cone-shaped bottle with a narrow neck that sometimes widens at the top, often with a fitted top or stopper. [2 definitions]
flat1 having a horizontal surface. [17 definitions]
flat2 (chiefly British) a group of connected rooms forming a residence on one floor; apartment.
flatcar a railroad car having a flat platform with no walls or roof.
flatfish any member of an order of mainly saltwater fishes, such as the sole, halibut, or flounder, whose adult bodies are flat with both eyes on the upper side.
flatten to make flat. [3 definitions]
flatter1 to please with compliments. [4 definitions]
flattery the act or practice of flattering. [2 definitions]
flat tire a tire that has become deflated through leakage, puncture, or the like.
flavor the quality perceived by the sense of taste. [4 definitions]
flavoring a substance that imparts a distinct flavor.
flavour a spelling of "flavor" used in Canada and Britain. See "flavor."
flaw1 a defect or fault; imperfection. [5 definitions]