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flavor the quality perceived by the sense of taste. [4 definitions]
flavoring a substance that imparts a distinct flavor.
flavour a spelling of "flavor" used in Canada and Britain. See "flavor."
flaw1 a defect or fault; imperfection. [5 definitions]
flax any of several related plants with slender stems, bearing tiny blue flowers as well as seeds which can be eaten and from which linseed oil is pressed. [2 definitions]
flea any of an order of tiny wingless insects that move by jumping, and feed by sucking the blood of warm-blooded animals. [2 definitions]
fled past tense and past participle of flee.
flee to escape by moving rapidly away; run away. [2 definitions]
fleece the wool of a sheep or other animal, esp. the total yield of wool at one shearing. [7 definitions]
fleet1 a group of naval ships under one command or grouped for one purpose. [3 definitions]
fleet2 swift and nimble. [5 definitions]
fleeting passing or disappearing quickly; transient; ephemeral.
flesh the soft tissue beneath the skin and surrounding the bones of an animal or human body, including muscle and fat. [9 definitions]
fleshy having an abundance of flesh or fat. [2 definitions]
flew a past tense of fly1.
flex to bend, often repeatedly. [3 definitions]
flexibility the capability of bending easily, or being bent easily, and not breaking.
flexible easily bent or able to bend without breaking; pliable. [3 definitions]
flick a sharp, light blow or stroke, as with a finger, brush, whip, or the like. [6 definitions]
flicker1 to burn or cast light in an unsteady, jerky manner. [5 definitions]
flicker2 a large North American woodpecker having yellowish or reddish linings under the wings and tail.