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flounder1 to struggle clumsily, often losing balance or headway. [3 definitions]
flounder2 any of various marine flatfishes, many of which are used for food.
flour the finely ground meal or powder of wheat or other grain. [4 definitions]
flourish to grow and thrive; be healthy and vigorous. [10 definitions]
flow to move steadily and easily like a stream. [8 definitions]
flow chart a detailed schematic diagram or chart showing a sequence of operations, as in a manufacturing process or a computer program.
flower the part of a plant, often marked by a distinctive color or fragrance, that generates fruit or seeds; blossom. [6 definitions]
flown a past participle of fly1.
flu influenza.
flue a duct, pipe, or other passage through which hot or cold air, smoke, or steam may be evacuated.
fluent speaking or writing easily and smoothly. [4 definitions]
fluff a soft, light, downlike substance, or a mass of such a substance. [7 definitions]
fluffy of, made of, or covered with fluff. [2 definitions]
fluid a substance, such as a liquid or gas, that can flow and that tends to conform to the shape of its container. [5 definitions]
fluke2 that which is accidentally successful; stroke of good luck.
flung past tense and part participle of fling.
fluorescent able to react to external radiation by emitting electromagnetic radiation, usu. in the form of visible light.
fluoridate to add a fluoride to (a water supply) in order to decrease or prevent tooth decay.
fluoride a chemical compound that contains fluorine as one of its elements.
fluorine an extremely reactive chemical element of the halogen group that has nine protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds such as fluoride salts, but that can be isolated in pure form as a yellowish, highly toxic gas. (symbol: F)
flurry a light snowfall that lasts only a short time. [4 definitions]