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fond characterized by or expressing tender or affectionate feelings. [4 definitions]
fondle to touch or stroke in a tender or affectionate manner; treat lovingly; caress. [2 definitions]
font1 a basin or other receptacle that holds holy water, such as that used for baptizing people. [3 definitions]
font2 a complete set of type, all of the same size, style, or face.
food any substance that contains nutrients and is ingested by living creatures in order to sustain life, health, and growth. [3 definitions]
food chain a succession of living organisms in which each serves as food for the next.
food for thought something that is worth considering or contemplating further.
food processor an electric kitchen appliance having a container with various blade attachments used to grind, grate, chop, slice, mix or otherwise prepare food.
food web the network of interacting food chains within an ecological community.
fool one who lacks good sense, judgment or comprehension, or who fails to display these qualities on a specific occasion. [11 definitions]
foolish lacking in good sense or judgment, or appearing to lack them; silly. [3 definitions]
foot in vertebrate animals, the lower part of the leg below the ankle joint, on which the body stands and moves. [10 definitions]
footage a length of anything that can be measured in feet. [2 definitions]
football a North American game played by two opposing teams on a rectangular field, in which players pass or carry a ball in an effort to transport it to one end of the playing area and thus score points. [4 definitions]
foothill a low hill at the foot of a mountain or range of mountains.
footing a foundation or firm basis on which one can stand, build, or develop. [4 definitions]
footnote a note at the foot of a page or the end of a chapter that provides a comment or reference on the above or foregoing text. [4 definitions]
footprint an outline or indentation created by pressing the foot on a surface, such as a step in wet sand or a muddy print left by a shoe.
footstep a single step with the foot, or the sound it makes. [4 definitions]
footstool a low stool on which to support the feet while seated.
for used to indicate the purpose, aim, or destination of an action. [13 definitions]