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fraction a number expressed as one number or algebraic quantity divided by another. [4 definitions]
fracture the act of breaking or the state of being broken, esp. a bone. [7 definitions]
fragile easily damaged; delicate. [2 definitions]
fragment a broken off or incomplete part. [3 definitions]
fragrance the state of being fragrant. [2 definitions]
fragrant having a pleasant smell; aromatic.
frail1 weak or sickly. [4 definitions]
frame a supporting structure made of parts that are joined together. [9 definitions]
framework a structure that supports something built on or around it. [2 definitions]
franc the chief monetary unit of several countries, including Switzerland, Chad, Niger, and Rwanda, equaling one hundred centimes. [2 definitions]
France a West European country between Spain and Belgium, and the Atlantic and Mediterranean.
frank1 sincere and straightforward. [7 definitions]
frank2 (informal) frankfurter; hot dog.
frankfurter a thin smoked sausage, usu. made from beef or a mixture of beef and pork.
frantic frenzied; desperate. [2 definitions]
fraud deliberate deception or trickery used for unfair or illegal advantage. [3 definitions]
fray2 to wear or rub thin or threadbare. [4 definitions]
freak1 something exhibiting aberration or abnormality, esp. a human or animal with some extraordinary physical defect or malformation. [4 definitions]
freckle a light brown dot or mark of pigmentation in the skin, often brought out by exposure to sunlight. [3 definitions]
free being without hindrance or constraint; not enslaved or imprisoned. [20 definitions]
freedom liberty from imprisonment or enslavement. [9 definitions]