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fully thoroughly or completely; totally. [2 definitions]
fumble to grope about awkwardly, nervously, or clumsily. [6 definitions]
fume (often pl.) a vapor, smoke, odor, or the like, esp. one that is disagreeable or unhealthful. [6 definitions]
fun something that gives amusement, pleasure, or enjoyment. [2 definitions]
function the purpose or role that an object or person fulfills or is suited for, or a typical action or activity carried out in fulfillment of a role. [5 definitions]
functional of or relating to a function or functions. [3 definitions]
fund a supply of money or other resources that is collected and held for a particular purpose. [5 definitions]
fundamental serving as a foundation; basic; central. [4 definitions]
fundamentally in central or important ways.
funding the act or process of collecting and supplying money needed for a particular purpose or group, or the money that is supplied.
funeral a ceremony for a dead person, sometimes including burial or cremation. [2 definitions]
fungi a plural form of fungus.
fungus any organism, including mushrooms, yeasts, molds, rusts, and others, characterized by lack of chlorophyll and by subsistence on organic matter. [2 definitions]
funnel a conical utensil with a narrow tube at the small end, used to pour a liquid or other flowing substance into a container with a small opening. [4 definitions]
funny provoking amusement or laughter. [4 definitions]
fur the soft thick hair that covers the bodies of certain animals, such as the cat, rabbit, mink, or fox. [5 definitions]
furious full of fury; violently angry; enraged. [3 definitions]
furlough a leave of absence or vacation for an enlisted person in the military. [4 definitions]
furnace any apparatus in which heat is generated for a specific purpose. [3 definitions]
furnish to equip, esp. with furniture. [2 definitions]
furniture movable objects such as chairs, tables and beds with which a living space is equipped.