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funnel a conical utensil with a narrow tube at the small end, used to pour a liquid or other flowing substance into a container with a small opening. [4 definitions]
funny provoking amusement or laughter. [4 definitions]
fur the soft thick hair that covers the bodies of certain animals, such as the cat, rabbit, mink, or fox. [5 definitions]
furious full of fury; violently angry; enraged. [3 definitions]
furlough a leave of absence or vacation for an enlisted person in the military. [4 definitions]
furnace any apparatus in which heat is generated for a specific purpose. [3 definitions]
furnish to equip, esp. with furniture. [2 definitions]
furniture movable objects such as chairs, tables and beds with which a living space is equipped.
furrow a narrow trench made in the ground, as for planting seeds. [4 definitions]
furry being naturally covered in fur, as an animal or part of an animal's body. [3 definitions]
further a comparative of "far." [7 definitions]
furthermore in addition to what has just been stated; in addition; moreover.
furthest a superlative of "far." [4 definitions]
fury violent, passionate, or unrestrained anger; rage; frenzy. [4 definitions]
fuse1 a tube or the like, filled with a combustible substance used to detonate an explosive. [3 definitions]
fuse2 to cause to become liquid by using heat; melt. [5 definitions]
fuselage the body of an airplane, to which the engines, wings, and tail are attached and within which the passengers, crew, and cargo are contained.
fusion the process or act of fusing. [4 definitions]
fuss excessive nervous activity or needless attention. [5 definitions]
future time that is yet to come. [7 definitions]
future tense a form of a verb that shows that something will happen or a condition will exist in the future. In the sentence "We will go to the zoo," "will go" is in the future tense.