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gas mask a device worn over the face that has a built-in chemical air filter to protect the wearer from inhaling poisonous gases or noxious fumes.
gasoline a volatile, flammable liquid of hydrocarbons, derived from petroleum and used primarily as fuel for internal-combustion engines.
gasp a sudden, brief, convulsive taking in of air through the mouth, as in shock or a condition of breathlessness. [3 definitions]
gas station a place where gas, oil, and other supplies for running a car can be bought; filling station; service station.
gate a part of a fence or wall that swings vertically or horizontally to close and open. [3 definitions]
gateway an opening or passageway that may be closed by means of a gate. [2 definitions]
gather to bring together into one place or assembly. [12 definitions]
gathering anything that is gathered or collected. [4 definitions]
gaudy tastelessly or excessively ornamented or colored; flashy; garish.
gauge to make an estimate of or a judgment concerning; judge. [7 definitions]
gaunt exceptionally thin and bony. [2 definitions]
gauze a thin, nearly transparent cloth or other material with a loose or open weave. [2 definitions]
gave past tense of give.
gavel a small hammer, usu. wooden, used by a judge or someone presiding over a meeting or auction to get attention, call for order, or signal a sale.
gay of or in a happy, joyous mood; festive; merry. [4 definitions]
Gaza Strip a disputed area on the east coast of the Mediterranean that was occupied by Israel in 1967.
gaze to look intently. [2 definitions]
gazelle any of several graceful African and Asian antelopes with ringed, slightly curved horns.
gear a mechanical part that transmits, and may change, motion from another part by means of interlocking teeth on the two moving parts. [8 definitions]
gearshift a lever used to change the arrangement of gears, esp. in an automobile transmission.
gear stick (chiefly British) a lever used to change the arrangement of gears, esp. in an automobile transmission; gearshift.