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generalize to infer (a general principle or idea) from specific facts. [5 definitions]
generally for the most part. [3 definitions]
generate to cause to be brought into being. [2 definitions]
generation the entire body of people who were born at roughly the same time. [5 definitions]
generator someone or something that generates. [3 definitions]
generic of, concerning, or applying to all elements of a particular class. [4 definitions]
generosity willing readiness to give. [3 definitions]
generous willing to give or share, or giving more than necessary; unselfish. [4 definitions]
genetic of or concerning the science of heredity. [3 definitions]
genetics (used with a sing. verb) the science of heredity, esp. of the influence of genes on the appearance, development, and evolution of organisms. [2 definitions]
genial cheerfully friendly. [2 definitions]
genie in Islamic mythology, a usu. impish supernatural being, often in human form, that will do one's bidding, esp. grant one's wishes; jinn; jinni.
genius extraordinary power of intellect, esp. as shown in artistic or scientific work. [5 definitions]
gentile (sometimes cap.) a person who is not Jewish, esp. a Christian. [4 definitions]
gentle without harshness, aggressiveness, or violence. [7 definitions]
gentleman a courteous and honorable man. [4 definitions]
gentlewoman a courteous and honorable woman. [3 definitions]
gently softly or mildly; not harshly.
genuine true to what is claimed or believed about a thing; authentic. [2 definitions]
genus one of the categories used in classifying living organisms, larger than a species but smaller than a family. [2 definitions]
geography the science of the earth's surface, including its physical features, climate, resident populations, political divisions, agriculture, natural resources, and the like. [2 definitions]