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gracious inclined to do what is polite, kind, right, or considerate. [5 definitions]
grackle any of a number of North American blackbirds with long tails and shiny black feathers. [2 definitions]
grade a level, degree, or rank in a scale. [9 definitions]
grade school see "elementary school."
gradual occurring evenly by degrees.
gradually by small steps or degrees.
graduate to be given a degree or diploma upon completing studies at a school, college, or university. [6 definitions]
graduation the act or process of graduating. [4 definitions]
graffito something written, scratched, or drawn on a wall or the like, esp. in a public place by a private individual not hired or authorized to do so. [2 definitions]
graft1 a detached portion of a plant, such as a shoot, that is placed into a slit or the like on another plant so as to become a living part of it. [9 definitions]
graham a flour made from the entire wheat kernel. [2 definitions]
grain collectively, the small hard seeds of cereal plants such as wheat or rice, used for food and often ground into flour. [11 definitions]
gram1 the basic unit of weight in the metric system, equal to one thousandth of a kilogram or 15.43 grains. (abbr.: g)
grammar the study of formal aspects of language, such as sentence structure, the use and function of words, and word sounds. [4 definitions]
grammar school see "elementary school." [2 definitions]
grammatical of or relating to grammar. [2 definitions]
gramophone a machine for playing phonograph records, esp. an old-fashioned one.
grand impressive in size or appearance; majestic; stately. [6 definitions]
grand- one generation away.
Grand Canyon a long deep gorge of the Colorado River in northwestern Arizona.
grandchild a child of one's child.