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gravitation the force of mutual attraction, as between planets, stars, or particles. [3 definitions]
gravity the force by which a planet or other such body tends to draw objects toward its center. [4 definitions]
gravy juice that drips from cooking meat, or a sauce made by thickening and seasoning this juice. [2 definitions]
gray the color of an overcast sky; an achromatic color between black and white. [8 definitions]
graze1 to feed on growing grass and herbage, as cattle and horses. [4 definitions]
graze2 to touch or brush lightly in passing. [5 definitions]
grease a semisolid oily substance, often used as a lubricant. [4 definitions]
greasy covered with grease, as clothes or machine parts. [3 definitions]
great very large in size or number. [8 definitions]
great- one generation away.
Great Britain the main island of the United Kingdom, off the coast of France, occupied by England, Scotland, and Wales, and including some adjacent islands. (Cf. United Kingdom.) [2 definitions]
Great Dane any of a breed of very large muscular short-haired dogs that have pointed ears and a square muzzle.
great-grandchild a child of one's grandson or granddaughter.
great-grandfather the grandfather of a person's mother or father.
great-grandmother the grandmother of a person's mother or father.
great-grandparent a parent of one's grandmother or grandfather.
Great Lakes a group five large interconnected freshwater lakes on the border between the United States and Canada. The Great Lakes include Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. [2 definitions]
greatly very much. [2 definitions]
Great Sandy Desert a desert region in northwestern Australia.
Great Victoria Desert a desert region in southwestern Australia.
Greece a Balkan country on the Mediterranean between the Aegean and Adriatic Seas.