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grow to become larger by the process of natural development. [8 definitions]
growing increasing or becoming larger.
growl to utter a deep, guttural sound expressing hostility, as a dog. [6 definitions]
grown having reached maturity. [2 definitions]
grown-up having reached adulthood or maturity. [2 definitions]
growth the process of growing. [3 definitions]
grow up to move from childhood to adulthood.
grub the slow-moving, wormlike larva of a beetle or similar insect. [8 definitions]
grubby dirty or unkempt. [3 definitions]
grudge a feeling of resentment harbored against someone because of a real or imagined injustice. [4 definitions]
grueling extremely tiring or demanding; arduous.
gruesome repugnantly frightful; horrid.
gruff low and hoarse-sounding. [2 definitions]
grumble to mutter dissatisfaction or complaints. [5 definitions]
grumpy in a bad mood; irritable.
grunt to utter the short deep guttural sound of a hog. [7 definitions]
guarantee an assurance, esp. in writing, that something is of salable quality and will perform satisfactorily or be repaired or exchanged at the seller's or manufacturer's expense. [11 definitions]
guard to protect from danger or harm. [8 definitions]
guardian a person who guards or protects. [3 definitions]
guardrail a protective railing, as on a young child's bed or the edge of a cliff.
Guatemala a Central American country south of Mexico. [2 definitions]