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guess to form an opinion of without enough evidence to be certain. [6 definitions]
guest a person who is hosted by another; one who receives hospitality from another. [2 definitions]
guidance the act of guiding. [3 definitions]
guide to direct along an unfamiliar course. [11 definitions]
guided missile a missile that is capable of being guided throughout its flight until arrival at its target. (See ballistic missile.)
guideline (often pl.) an indicator of a procedure or course to be followed.
guide word a word printed at the top of the page in a reference book, usu. to indicate the first or last entry on that page; catchword.
guild an organization of people having a common pursuit or hobby. [2 definitions]
guillotine a device having a sharp blade that is dropped vertically between two guide posts in order to sever the head of the condemned person underneath. [2 definitions]
guilt the fact of having committed a crime, misdeed, or other offense. [2 definitions]
guilty characterized by or feeling guilt or regret. [2 definitions]
Guinea a country on the Atlantic coast of Africa between Senegal and the Ivory Coast.
Guinea-Bissau a country on the Atlantic coast of Africa between Guinea and Senegal.
guinea pig a small, tailless rodent, often domesticated as a pet or used in scientific experiments. [2 definitions]
guitar a stringed musical instrument with a large soundbox, a long fretted neck, and five, six, or twelve strings that are strummed or plucked. [2 definitions]
guitarist a person who plays the guitar, esp. as a performer.
gulch a stony ravine with steep sides, esp. one having a seasonal stream running through it.
gulf a large area of ocean partly surrounded by land. [4 definitions]
Gulf of Mexico an area of the Atlantic Ocean that is bounded by the southern coast of the United States, the eastern coast of Mexico, and the island of Cuba.
Gulf of Thailand an arm of the South China Sea that borders Thailand, Cambodia, and small parts of Vietnam and Malaysia.
gull1 any of a variety of web-toed aquatic birds characterized by long pointed wings, agile flight, and mostly gray and white plumage.