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gulf a large area of ocean partly surrounded by land. [4 definitions]
Gulf of Mexico an area of the Atlantic Ocean that is bounded by the southern coast of the United States, the eastern coast of Mexico, and the island of Cuba.
Gulf of Thailand an arm of the South China Sea that borders Thailand, Cambodia, and small parts of Vietnam and Malaysia.
gull1 any of a variety of web-toed aquatic birds characterized by long pointed wings, agile flight, and mostly gray and white plumage.
gullible readily believing and thus easily tricked or deceived.
gully a ravine or valley worn away by a watercourse or flooding and still serving as a drainage course for overflow. [3 definitions]
gulp to choke or gasp, between, or as if between, swallows. [5 definitions]
gum1 one of a variety of sticky substances exuded by certain plants; resin. [10 definitions]
gum2 (often pl.) the flesh and connective tissue covering that part of the jawbone in which the teeth are set. [2 definitions]
gumdrop a small chewy candy made of flavored gum arabic or gelatin and usu. coated with granulated sugar.
gun an apparatus with a tube made of metal from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are fired. [7 definitions]
gunfire the firing of a gun.
gunner a soldier, sailor, or the like who operates or helps to operate artillery. [2 definitions]
gunpowder an explosive used to propel a gun projectile, esp. the explosive made from potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal; black powder.
gunwale the upper edge of a boat's or ship's side or bulwark.
guppy a small, often brightly colored freshwater minnow that is native to northern South America and the West Indies, and often kept in aquariums.
gurgle to flow out in a noisy, bubbling stream. [4 definitions]
gush to flood out abundantly and with considerable force, as a liquid being released from compression; spurt. [7 definitions]
gust a sudden rush or blast of wind. [3 definitions]
gut the food canal or a part of it, esp. the stomach or intestines. [11 definitions]
gutter a shallow channel or trough for draining water, as under the eaves of a roof or along the edge of a road or street. [10 definitions]