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historian one who writes about or is an expert on history.
historic significant in history. [4 definitions]
historical of or relating to history or to the past. [3 definitions]
historically concerning what actually existed and occurred in past times.
history a chronological narrative of past events. [5 definitions]
hit to deliver a blow or stroke to. [16 definitions]
hitch1 to connect or attach with or as if with a rope or straps, esp. loosely or temporarily. [9 definitions]
hitchhike to solicit or obtain a free ride or series or rides in a vehicle.
hit the jackpot (informal) to have sudden good luck or success, esp. with a financial reward.
hit the sack (slang) to go to bed.
HIV abbreviation of "human immunodeficiency virus," the retrovirus that causes the disease AIDS by infecting and destroying T cells in the immune system.
hive a structure built for or by bees to live in. [5 definitions]
hives (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a mild illness characterized by the eruption of small, itchy bumps on the skin, often as an allergic reaction.
hoard a collection or supply of something that is hidden, stored, or guarded, as for use at a later time or to keep it from being stolen; cache. [3 definitions]
hoarse of the voice, rough and weakened, as from excessive use or respiratory difficulties. [2 definitions]
hoax an act of deception, esp. a humorous or mischievous trick. [3 definitions]
hobble to walk awkwardly, unsteadily, or with difficulty; limp. [6 definitions]
hobby1 an interest or activity that one pursues in one's leisure time, for pleasure.
Ho Chi Minh City a seaport in southern Vietnam, formerly Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam.
hockey a sport played on ice, in which two teams of six skating players each try to drive a puck into each other's goal using angled hockey sticks; ice hockey. [2 definitions]
hoe a garden tool with a flat crosswise blade at the end of a long handle, used for loosening the soil and weeding. [3 definitions]