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hives (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a mild illness characterized by the eruption of small, itchy bumps on the skin, often as an allergic reaction.
hoard a collection or supply of something that is hidden, stored, or guarded, as for use at a later time or to keep it from being stolen; cache. [3 definitions]
hoarse of the voice, rough and weakened, as from excessive use or respiratory difficulties. [2 definitions]
hoax an act of deception, esp. a humorous or mischievous trick. [3 definitions]
hobble to walk awkwardly, unsteadily, or with difficulty; limp. [6 definitions]
hobby1 an interest or activity that one pursues in one's leisure time, for pleasure.
Ho Chi Minh City a seaport in southern Vietnam, formerly Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam.
hockey a sport played on ice, in which two teams of six skating players each try to drive a puck into each other's goal using angled hockey sticks; ice hockey. [2 definitions]
hoe a garden tool with a flat crosswise blade at the end of a long handle, used for loosening the soil and weeding. [3 definitions]
hog a domestic pig or swine, esp. one that weighs over 120 pounds, raised for meat. [4 definitions]
hogan a dwelling of the Navajo and other American Indians, constructed of earth walls supported by timbers.
hoist to lift or haul up, esp. by mechanical means. [3 definitions]
hold1 to have or contain within one's hand or hands. [18 definitions]
hold2 the storage space in the hull of a ship.
holder anything that serves the purpose of holding. [2 definitions]
hold on to wait or stop. [5 definitions]
hold one's breath to wait with great anticipation.
hold one's horses to be patient, calm, or restrained.
hold out to refuse to comply until conditions are more favorable (usu. fol. by "for"). [3 definitions]
hold tight to keep one's position or opinion and await further events.
holdup a delay or interruption in the progress of something. [2 definitions]