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Holland see "Netherlands."
holland linen or cotton cloth, often glazed, used to make window shades, upholstery, and clothing.
holler (informal) to cry out, yell, or shout. [5 definitions]
hollow having an empty space on the inside; not solid within. [10 definitions]
holly any of various shrubs or trees that bear small white flowers, bright red berries, and have shiny dark green leaves with prickly edges. [2 definitions]
hollyhock a widely cultivated plant that has tall showy stalks covered with flowers.
Hollywood a section of Los Angeles that is often considered to be the center of the U.S. film industry or to represent the industry's values, lifestyle, or the like.
holocaust an extensive or thorough destruction or devastation, esp. by fire. [3 definitions]
holster a case for a small handgun, pistol, or tool, usu. made of leather and attached to a belt.
holy being worthy of worship or reverence as a part of or symbol of God, according to religious authority; sacred. [4 definitions]
home the place where one lives or dwells. [16 definitions]
homeland one's native country or region.
homeless having no home. [2 definitions]
homely lacking beauty; plain; unattractive. [3 definitions]
homemade made at home rather than purchased. [2 definitions]
home page the main page of a Web site, often having a table of contents and links to other parts of the Web site.
home plate in baseball, a five-sided flat slab of hard rubber at which the batter stands, and which the base runner must touch in order to score a run.
Homer an actual or legendary Greek poet (about the eighth century B.C.).
homer (informal) in baseball, a home run. [2 definitions]
homeroom a school classroom where students meet at the beginning of the school day for attendance and announcements.
home run in baseball, a hit that allows the batter enough time to touch all four bases in succession and score a run.