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hospitalize to place in a hospital for medical treatment or surgery.
host1 a person who provides hospitality such as food, entertainment, or lodging for guests. [5 definitions]
host2 a very large number of people or things.
hostage someone held prisoner by one person or group in an attempt to persuade or force another person or group to satisfy certain conditions or meet certain demands.
hostel an inexpensive shelter, esp. for young people who are traveling. [3 definitions]
hostess a woman who serves as a host. [3 definitions]
hostile of or relating to an enemy or antagonist. [3 definitions]
hostility the state of being unfriendly or antagonistic. [3 definitions]
hot holding or giving off great heat. [10 definitions]
hot dog a hot, cooked frankfurter or wiener usu. eaten in a soft bun. [3 definitions]
hotel a commercial establishment that provides overnight lodging, meals, and other services.
hothouse a heated glass building used to grow plants that require a constant warm temperature. [2 definitions]
hot spring a natural, usu. mineral spring having water warmer than body temperature.
hot under the collar (informal) very angry or upset.
hound a member of any of various breeds of hunting dogs, esp. one that has short hair, a deep voice, and long, drooping ears. [6 definitions]
hour a unit of time equal to sixty minutes. [5 definitions]
hourglass an instrument that measures time by channeling a quantity of sand or mercury through a narrow opening between two larger glass bulbs in exactly one hour. [2 definitions]
hour hand the shorter hand on a watch or a clock, which moves around the entire face twice a day and indicates the hour.
hourly done or occurring every hour. [5 definitions]
house a building, usually with one set of connecting rooms, designed to be lived in by one family or one group of people, or a building that resembles this. [13 definitions]
houseboat a bargelike boat that has been constructed and equipped for use as a home.