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hub the rotating center part of a wheel or similar device to which other parts, such as spokes, are connected. [2 definitions]
hubbub a confusing mix of loud sounds, esp. voices; uproar. [2 definitions]
hubcap a removable round metal cover over the hub of a motor vehicle wheel.
huckleberry any of various low berry-bearing shrubs common in North America and related to the blueberry plant. [2 definitions]
huddle to gather in a small, close group. [8 definitions]
Hudson Bay a large body of saltwater in Canada bordered by the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, and Manitoba, as well as by the territory of Nunavut. It is considered an inland sea and is linked with both the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.
hue1 any of the variations of color that occur at points on the spectrum; color as distinguished from shades of gray. [3 definitions]
huff a state of resentment or bad temper; offended, angry mood. [3 definitions]
hug to enfold or squeeze affectionately with the arms; embrace. [5 definitions]
huge of extremely large weight, size, or extent.
hulk a bulky shell of a ship, either old and unseaworthy or abandoned to other uses. [3 definitions]
hull1 the outer shell or covering of various fruits, nuts, and seeds. [3 definitions]
hull2 the rigid frame and outer shell of a ship. [2 definitions]
hum to vibrate with a continuous low sound; drone. [7 definitions]
human of, relating to, or characteristic of mankind. [5 definitions]
human being a person; human.
humane showing compassion in treating one's fellow creatures; kind; merciful. [2 definitions]
humanity the race of human beings; mankind. [4 definitions]
humankind humans collectively; the human race or species.
humble not prideful or pretentious; modest. [6 definitions]
humid having a relatively high amount of moisture or water vapor; damp.