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huge of extremely large weight, size, or extent.
hulk a bulky shell of a ship, either old and unseaworthy or abandoned to other uses. [3 definitions]
hull1 the outer shell or covering of various fruits, nuts, and seeds. [3 definitions]
hull2 the rigid frame and outer shell of a ship. [2 definitions]
hum to vibrate with a continuous low sound; drone. [7 definitions]
human of, relating to, or characteristic of mankind. [5 definitions]
human being a person; human.
humane showing compassion in treating one's fellow creatures; kind; merciful. [2 definitions]
humanity the race of human beings; mankind. [4 definitions]
humankind humans collectively; the human race or species.
humble not prideful or pretentious; modest. [6 definitions]
humid having a relatively high amount of moisture or water vapor; damp.
humidity dampness or moistness, as of the atmosphere. [2 definitions]
humiliate to cause (someone) to lose pride or feel disgraced; embarrass; mortify.
hummingbird any of numerous mostly tropical American birds that are usu. very small and have long slender bills, narrow wings that beat very rapidly, and bright-colored, iridescent plumage.
humor a quality that evokes laughter or amusement. [5 definitions]
humorous having the character or quality of humor; comical. [2 definitions]
humour a spelling of "humor" used in Canada and Britain. See "humor" for more information.
hump a rounded projection or bulge, esp. a fleshy one, as is found on the back of a camel or on the back of a person who has a spinal deformity. [4 definitions]
humus a dark organic material, composed of partly decayed leaves and plants, that adds nutrients and water-retaining ability to soil.
hunch to lift up or arch into a hump. [7 definitions]