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impetuous sudden and impulsive. [2 definitions]
implant to plant or embed in something. [3 definitions]
implement something used in order to accomplish a particular thing, esp. a tool, device, or instrument to perform a task. [4 definitions]
implementation the act, process, or way of carrying (something) out or putting (something) into effect.
implication the act of stating something indirectly; act of implying. [4 definitions]
imply to signal (a meaning) without directly stating such meaning; suggest. [2 definitions]
impolite not polite; rude.
import to bring in from an outside origin, esp. to bring in (merchandise) from a foreign country. [7 definitions]
importance the state of being important; significance or consequence. [2 definitions]
important having relatively great significance or value. [4 definitions]
importer a person or business that brings items in from another country so that they may be sold as merchandise.
impose to institute or establish as something to be fulfilled or borne. [3 definitions]
impose on to intrude upon without invitation or at an unsuitable time. [2 definitions]
impose upon to intrude on or cause inconvenience to (someone) without invitation or at an unsuitable time. [2 definitions]
impossible not able to happen, exist, or be done. [3 definitions]
impostor one who defrauds or deceives by pretending to be another person.
impractical not useful or wise to put into practice; not workable. [2 definitions]
impress1 to cause a strong or particular opinion or emotional feeling in. [7 definitions]
impressed having a strong, lasting, or favorable feeling about someone or something as a response to having met or encountered that person or thing.
impression a strong feeling or idea resulting from experience or perception. [6 definitions]
impressive able to make a strong or lasting impact on the mind or emotions; striking.