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in common held or used jointly; shared. [2 definitions]
incompatible unable to coexist peacefully; incongruous. [6 definitions]
incompetent lacking necessary knowledge or skills. [4 definitions]
incomplete not complete; unfinished. [3 definitions]
incomprehensible not understandable or decipherable.
inconceivable incapable of being imagined or understood; unthinkable. [2 definitions]
inconclusive not providing absolute proof. [2 definitions]
inconsiderate lacking in thoughtfulness or consideration for others.
inconspicuous not obvious or readily apparent; easily overlooked.
inconvenience the condition or quality of being awkward or troublesome. [3 definitions]
inconvenient causing extra effort or time. [3 definitions]
incorporate to include or blend into a larger thing that already exists. [5 definitions]
incorrect factually wrong. [3 definitions]
increase to make larger or more numerous. [6 definitions]
increasingly more and more; to a greater and greater degree.
incredible difficult or impossible to believe. [2 definitions]
incredulous in a state of skepticism, wonder, or disbelief. [2 definitions]
incriminate to indicate the possible involvement of (someone) in a criminal or immoral act; implicate. [2 definitions]
incubate to keep (eggs) warm until time to hatch. [5 definitions]
incubator a temperature-controlled apparatus in which ideal conditions are maintained for the recovery of sick or premature infants. [3 definitions]
incurable that cannot be cured. [2 definitions]