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indefinite lacking clear definition or limits; vague, undecided, or indeterminate.
indefinite article in English grammar, either of the articles "a" and "an," which do not restrict the nouns or noun equivalents that they modify, but serve to indicate the class to which such modified words belong. (Cf. definite article.)
indent1 to make jagged by putting recesses or notches in. [7 definitions]
independence the quality or state of being independent. [2 definitions]
Independence Day a U.S. national holiday celebrated on July 4 in commemoration of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence from England in 1776; Fourth of July.
independent not ruled by another; self-governing. [5 definitions]
in depth thoroughly.
in detail including all the particulars.
index an alphabetical listing of subjects, names, specialized terms, and the like in a book, with page numbers given for each item indicating where these items are mentioned or discussed in the book. [10 definitions]
index finger the finger between the thumb and the longest finger; forefinger.
India a large Asian country surrounded on three sides by the Indian Ocean. [2 definitions]
Indian a native or citizen of India, or a descendant thereof. [4 definitions]
Indiana a Midwestern U.S. state between Illinois and Ohio. (abbr.: IN)
Indian corn corn; maize.
Indian Ocean an ocean south of Asia that stretches from Africa to Australia; Indian.
indicate to show or point out. [3 definitions]
indication anything that indicates, such as a sign. [3 definitions]
indict to bring a formal accusation of a crime against, as by the findings of a grand jury. [2 definitions]
Indies see "East Indies," "West Indies." [2 definitions]
indifferent lacking interest or concern; not caring. [4 definitions]
indigenous having origin in a country or locality; native (usu. fol. by "to"). [2 definitions]