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influence the power or intangible action of one thing or person which brings about an effect on another. [4 definitions]
influential having authority or influence.
influenza an acute, contagious disease in various forms, caused by a virus in humans and in some animals and characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract, irritation of the stomach, and fever; flu.
info shortened form of "information."
infomercial a long commercial in the form of a television program.
inform to communicate knowledge to; tell. [4 definitions]
informal not formal or ceremonious; casual. [3 definitions]
information knowledge or facts that come from investigation, observation, or study. [4 definitions]
infrastructure the basic facilities and equipment, esp. of a technological nature, that are necessary for a system or organization to function.
infrequent happening seldom or at long intervals. [3 definitions]
in full in the complete or required amount.
infuriate to cause fury in (someone); enrage.
-ing1 used to form the present participle of verbs.
-ing2 activity, or an instance or result of (such) activity. [2 definitions]
ingenious having or showing cleverness or creativity, esp. in designing or in solving problems. [2 definitions]
ingenuity the quality or an instance of being ingenious; cleverness; creativity. [2 definitions]
ingot a mass of metal cast into a shape that makes it easily handled or stored, or the mold in which it is cast.
ingredient one of the substances or elements in a mixture. [2 definitions]
inhabit to live in; use as a dwelling. [2 definitions]
inhabitant one that permanently lives in a place; resident.
inhabited having residents; populated.