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-ing1 used to form the present participle of verbs.
-ing2 activity, or an instance or result of (such) activity. [2 definitions]
ingenious having or showing cleverness or creativity, esp. in designing or in solving problems. [2 definitions]
ingenuity the quality or an instance of being ingenious; cleverness; creativity. [2 definitions]
ingot a mass of metal cast into a shape that makes it easily handled or stored, or the mold in which it is cast.
ingredient one of the substances or elements in a mixture. [2 definitions]
inhabit to live in; use as a dwelling. [2 definitions]
inhabitant one that permanently lives in a place; resident.
inhabited having residents; populated.
inhale to take in by breathing; breathe in. [3 definitions]
inhaler an apparatus that helps in inhaling medicinal vapor, oxygen, or the like; inhalator; respirator. [2 definitions]
inherit to receive (money, property, or the like) through a will made by, or legal succession to, a person who has died; be heir to. [5 definitions]
inheritance money, property, position, or the like, that is or may be inherited through a will or legal succession. [4 definitions]
in hot water (informal) in a bad situation; in trouble.
inhuman characterized by a lack of human warmth, mercy, or sympathy; cruel, brutal, or unfeeling. [3 definitions]
initial of the beginning; first. [4 definitions]
initially at first; in the beginning.
initiate to cause to begin; institute; originate. [4 definitions]
initiative the power, ability, or energy to organize or actively carry through a plan. [3 definitions]
inject to introduce (a fluid) or introduce a fluid into (someone or something) by force or pressure, as fuel into an engine cylinder, or a medicine into a muscle or vein. [2 definitions]
injection something injected, esp. a measured dose of liquid medicine. [2 definitions]