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inkling a vague or partial idea or understanding. [2 definitions]
inland of, concerning, or situated in the part of a country or region away from seacoasts or in the interior. [3 definitions]
inlet a bay, stream, or the like that is recessed into or leads inland from a shoreline. [3 definitions]
in love the condition in an adult of having a very strong physical and emotional attraction to someone and a strong desire to be with that person; the condition of feeling romantic love.
inn a small hotel that caters especially to travelers. [2 definitions]
inner situated inside. [4 definitions]
inning the segment of a baseball or softball game during which each side has a turn at batting. [3 definitions]
innkeeper the owner or manager of an inn.
innocence the quality or condition of being innocent. [5 definitions]
innocent free from corruption or knowledge of evil. [6 definitions]
innovation a new method, approach, idea, or the like. [2 definitions]
inoculate to inject or otherwise infect (a person or animal) with a virus or microorganism, esp. in order to create immunity to a disease. [3 definitions]
in one ear and out the other heard, but with little or no notice paid.
in one's pocket under one's control.
in one's shirt sleeves not wearing a coat.
in one's stocking feet wearing socks or stockings but no shoes.
in order to as a means to; so that; for the purpose of.
in person in one's actual physical presence.
in private in the view or presence only of the person or people concerned.
in progress in the process of happening; taking place; occurring.
in public in the view or presence of other people, esp. the general public.