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insect any of a group of small invertebrate animals that have segmented bodies, three pairs of legs, and usually one or two sets of wings. An insect's body is segmented into head, thorax, and abdomen. [3 definitions]
insecticide a substance used to kill insects.
insectivore an animal or plant that eats insects. [2 definitions]
insecure having insufficient protection; not safe or secure. [3 definitions]
insensitive lacking normal physical sensation or response. [2 definitions]
insert to put or cause to be put in, into, or within. [2 definitions]
inside in the inner part of; within. [9 definitions]
inside out reversed so that the inner surface is facing outward. [3 definitions]
insight the power of mind to grasp an essential meaning or truth. [2 definitions]
insignia a badge, button, emblem, or the like that indicates membership in a certain group. [2 definitions]
insignificant having no value, importance, or significance; trivial. [3 definitions]
insincere exhibiting false or dishonest feelings or opinions; hypocritical.
insist to be firm and unyielding about something (often fol. by "on"). [4 definitions]
insolent rude, arrogant, or offensively forward in speech or manner.
in someone's bad graces having the disfavor and disapproval of someone.
in someone's good graces having the favor and approval of someone.
insomnia difficulty in getting to sleep, esp. as a persistent problem.
inspect to look at very carefully, esp. to assess any damage or imperfection. [2 definitions]
inspection the act or an instance of inspecting. [2 definitions]
inspector one who inspects, often in an official capacity. [2 definitions]
inspiration a thing or person that motivates or uplifts; that which inspires. [4 definitions]