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invalid2 without legal or factual force or effect; not valid; void. [2 definitions]
invaluable having value too great to estimate or measure; priceless.
invasion an act of entering into the territory of others with the intention of overtaking; an act or instance of invading. [4 definitions]
invent to think of, contrive, or create (something new). [2 definitions]
invention the act or process of inventing. [5 definitions]
inventive adept at thinking up new ideas or at devising new objects or methods; imaginative. [2 definitions]
inventor one who invents, esp. a new device, process, or the like.
inventory a complete, often detailed list of things in one's possession or in a particular place. [5 definitions]
invert to reverse or set opposite in order, position, direction, effect, or the like. [4 definitions]
invertebrate without a spinal column or backbone; not vertebrate. [3 definitions]
invest to put (money or property) into use with the intention of gaining profit or interest. [4 definitions]
investigate to systematically examine or search into. [2 definitions]
investigation the act of investigating or condition of being investigated. [2 definitions]
investigator a person who makes a careful search for information usually in order to answer a question.
investment the act or process of investing. [3 definitions]
investor one who invests, esp. one who invests at low risk for long-term profit. (Cf. speculator.)
in view of taking into account; considering.
invincible too strong to be defeated, overcome, or surmounted.
invisible not capable of being seen; not visible. [5 definitions]
invitation the act of asking someone in an undemanding way to participate in something. [3 definitions]
invite to politely ask (someone) to attend or come. [5 definitions]