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irresistible impossible to withstand or resist.
irresponsible having or showing a lack of responsibility. [3 definitions]
irreversible impossible to reverse, turn back, or alter.
irrigate to water by artificial means, as by pumping and spraying, or by man-made channels from a natural source of water. [2 definitions]
irrigation the supplying of water to land by man-made means to aid in growing crops. [2 definitions]
irritable easily annoyed or angered. [2 definitions]
irritate to anger or annoy. [4 definitions]
irritation the act of irritating, or that which irritates. [3 definitions]
is 3rd person present sing. of be.
-ish belonging or pertaining to; of; from. [4 definitions]
Islam a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad as set forth in the Koran. [3 definitions]
Islamabad the capital of Pakistan.
island a body of land smaller than a continent and completely surrounded by water. [3 definitions]
islander one born or living on an island.
isle an island, esp. a small one.
islet a tiny island.
isn't contracted form of "is not."
isolate to set apart from other things or people. [3 definitions]
isolation the act of isolating or state of being isolated. [3 definitions]
isosceles triangle a triangle with two sides that are equal in length.
Israel a Middle Eastern republic, formed as a Jewish state by action of the United Nations in 1948. [2 definitions]