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j the tenth letter of the English alphabet. [2 definitions]
jab to prod or poke, esp. with a pointed object. [4 definitions]
jack any of a number of devices used to lift all or a part of a heavy object a short distance, as by leverage or hydraulic pressure. [7 definitions]
jackal any of a number of wild Asian and African dogs, closely related to the wolf, that are esp. known for scavenging and for attacking small or weakened prey. [2 definitions]
jacket a short coat that extends to the waist or hip, used as an outer garment or as part of a suit. [3 definitions]
jack-in-the-box a toy consisting of a box from which a puppet springs up when the lid is opened.
jackknife a large pocketknife whose blade can be folded into the handle. [2 definitions]
jack-o'-lantern a traditional Halloween lamp made from a pumpkin by removing the pulp, carving a face through the shell, and placing a candle in the bottom.
jackpot stakes that accumulate until they are won, esp. in poker. [2 definitions]
jack rabbit any of several large hares found in the western United States, characterized by long ears and very long, strong hind legs.
Jacuzzi trademark for a type of bath equipped with air jets that create a whirlpool effect.
jade1 one of two hard, translucent, usu. green minerals, nephrite or jadeite, or the carved and polished jewelry or decorative objects made from them. [2 definitions]
jagged sharply and unevenly pointed. [2 definitions]
jaguar a large wild cat, resembling but larger than a leopard, that is native to Central and South America.
jail a building in which a government confines accused or convicted offenders, usu. for short periods. [3 definitions]
jailbird (informal) someone who is serving or has served time in jail; convict.
jam1 to force or pack tightly into a small space. [12 definitions]
jam2 a sweet spread usu. made by cooking crushed fruit and sugar.
Jamaica an island country in the West Indies south of Cuba.
Jan. abbreviation of "January," the first month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
jangle to emit a harsh, unmelodious sound, as of chains striking something. [4 definitions]