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Jan. abbreviation of "January," the first month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
jangle to emit a harsh, unmelodious sound, as of chains striking something. [4 definitions]
janitor someone employed to clean, make minor repairs to, and take care of a building or the like.
January the first month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
Japan an island country in the Pacific off the coast of Korea and the Soviet Union; Nippon.
Japanese of or pertaining to Japan or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
Japanese beetle a shiny green and brown beetle, originally from Asia, that eats the leaves, fruits, flowers, and roots of plants.
jar1 a wide-mouthed cylindrical container, usu. made of glass or pottery, and often having a lid. [2 definitions]
jar2 to collide or bump so as to cause vibration; jolt. [9 definitions]
jargon1 technical or specialized words or language, as of a science or profession, sometimes considered to be unnecessary or confusing. [3 definitions]
jaundice a disorder in which excessive amounts of bile get into the blood and cause yellowing of the skin and eyes, sluggishness, and loss of appetite. [3 definitions]
jaundiced afflicted with or as if with jaundice. [2 definitions]
jaunt to take a brief trip or outing, usu. for amusement. [2 definitions]
jaunty characterized by a light, lively, or confident manner. [2 definitions]
Java the principal island of Indonesia. [2 definitions]
Javanese of or pertaining to Java or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
javelin a lightweight spear thrown as a weapon. [3 definitions]
jaw either or both of the two bones that surround the mouth and hold the teeth. [5 definitions]
jawbone any of the bones that compose the jaw, esp. the lower one. [3 definitions]
jay any of a number of usu. brightly colored, noisy birds of the crow family, esp. the blue jay.
jaywalk to walk across a street illegally, as at an improper place or an improper time.