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July the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
jumble to put or throw together in a confused heap. [6 definitions]
jumbo (informal) something that is very large. [2 definitions]
jump to leap into the air. [20 definitions]
jump at to take or accept quickly and eagerly.
jumper2 a sleeveless dress worn over a shirt or blouse. [4 definitions]
jump rope a length of rope held at each end and swung under the feet and over the head as one jumps, for exercise or as a game.
jump suit a one-piece garment worn by parachutists. [2 definitions]
junction a point or place where things are joined together. [5 definitions]
June the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.
jungle land covered with very dense natural vegetation, esp. a tropical rain forest. [4 definitions]
jungle gym an outdoor structure of pipes and bars for children to play on.
junior younger (used especially in abbreviated form after the name of a son having the same name as his father). [6 definitions]
junior high school an intermediate school between elementary and high school, usu. including grades seven, eight, and nine; middle school.
juniper any of a variety of evergreen shrubs or small trees bearing cones that produce a blue-gray berrylike fruit.
junk1 anything regarded as having little worth; trash. [4 definitions]
junk2 a high-sterned, flat-bottomed boat of Chinese origin, driven by square sails.
junk food prepackaged snack food that is low in nutritional value but usu. high in calories.
junk mail unsolicited mail, usu. in the form of advertisements or requests for monetary contributions.
junkyard a yard or lot in which junk such as scrap metal or old cars is collected, stored, and sold.
Juno in Roman mythology, the wife and sister of Jupiter, and the goddess of marriage; Hera.