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keel a structural part extending lengthwise down the bottom center of the hull of a boat or ship, important for stability in water. [4 definitions]
keel over to faint or fall over suddenly.
keen1 extremely sharp; able to cut readily and finely. [4 definitions]
keep to hold or retain possession of. [14 definitions]
keep an eye on to watch or tend with care.
keep an eye out to be watchful or closely attentive.
keeping logical or appropriate conformity. [3 definitions]
keep one's balance to stay upright.
keep one's chin up to stay optimistic; not lose hope.
keep one's distance to stay physically or emotionally removed; remain aloof or far away.
keep one's fingers crossed to hope for a good outcome.
keep one's shirt on (informal) to hold one's temper; refrain from becoming angry or impatient.
keep tabs on (informal) to keep under close scrutiny; watch or observe carefully.
keep track to carefully record the movements or progress of something (usu. fol. by "of").
keep under wraps to keep secret or hidden.
keep up to proceed at the same rate as someone or something else (often fol. by "with"). [7 definitions]
keg a small cask or barrel, usu. holding less than ten gallons. [2 definitions]
kelp one of a family of coarse brown seaweeds, often bearing leaflike structures. [2 definitions]
Kelvin a thermodynamic temperature scale whose degree intervals correspond to those of the Celsius scale and in which zero degrees, or absolute zero, is equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius. [3 definitions]
kennel (often pl.) a place where dogs are raised, bred, trained, or housed. [2 definitions]
Kentucky an east central U.S. state, south of Indiana and Ohio. (abbr.: KY)