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kind1 helpful and good-natured; benevolent. [2 definitions]
kind2 a group of things, people, animals, or other entities that are classed together because of similarities. [4 definitions]
kindergarten a program or grade level that introduces very young children to schoollike activities.
kindle1 to build or start (a fire). [5 definitions]
kindling material that burns easily and is used to start a fire, esp. small dry pieces of wood. [2 definitions]
kindly showing or having kindness. [4 definitions]
kindness the quality of being kind. [2 definitions]
kind of (informal) somewhat or in some way; rather.
king a male head of a royal family who reigns for life as a monarch. [4 definitions]
kingdom a country that is ruled by a king or queen. [3 definitions]
kingfisher any of numerous birds that eat fish or insects and have large strong bills, bright plumage, and usu. crested heads.
king-size larger than the usual size. [2 definitions]
kink a short, tight curl or twist, as in a wire, hose, or hair. [5 definitions]
Kiribati a central Pacific island country, northeast of Australia.
kiss to touch or press with the lips as a sign of love, affection, passion, or respect. [8 definitions]
kit1 a collection of articles for a specific use. [4 definitions]
kit2 the young of certain fur-bearing animals, such as beavers, foxes, rabbits, and ferrets. [2 definitions]
kitchen a room devoted to the preparation, storage, and cooking of food.
kitchenette a very small kitchen.
kite a toy consisting of a light frame covered with paper, plastic, or cloth to be flown in the air at the end of a long string. [5 definitions]
kitten a cat that is not yet full-grown. [2 definitions]