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l1 abbreviation of "liter," or "liters," the basic unit of capacity of the metric system, equal to one cubic decimeter or 1.056 liquid quarts or 0.908 dry quart.
l2 the twelfth letter of the English alphabet. [2 definitions]
LA abbreviation of "Louisiana," a southern U.S. state between Mississippi and Texas.
la in music, the syllable used to denote the sixth tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [2 definitions]
lab1 shortened form of "laboratory."
label a slip of paper or cloth tag that bears information as to the contents, destination, owner, or use of something to which it is attached. [7 definitions]
labor the expenditure of physical and mental effort in the performance of work. [9 definitions]
laboratory a place designed for scientific investigation and experimentation. [4 definitions]
Labor Day the first Monday in September, a legal holiday observed in Canada and the United States to honor the labor of working people.
labor union an organization of workers that promotes and protects the interests of its members in issues such as wages and working conditions, esp. through negotiations with employers.
labour a spelling of "labor" used in Canada and Britain. See "labor" for more information.
Labrador a very large peninsula in eastern Canada that contains portions of the province of Quebec as well as the continental region of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. [3 definitions]
lace an openwork fabric made of or trimmed in a web of fine threads. [6 definitions]
lack the state or condition of being without something that is needed or desired; absence; deficiency. [4 definitions]
lacquer any of several glossy varnishes made from resin or cellulose and sometimes mixed with a solvent, used as a protective coating for wood and other materials. [2 definitions]
lacrosse a field game played by two teams of ten players each who use a long-handled stick with a net pouch on one end to carry or throw a ball into the opponent's goal.
lad a boy or young man. [2 definitions]
ladder a pair of upright supports connected by cross bars or rungs, used for climbing. [2 definitions]
laden loaded with a great burden; weighted. [3 definitions]
ladies' room a public lavatory or restroom for women and girls.
ladle a spoon with a long handle and a deep bowl for transferring or serving liquids. [2 definitions]