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lagoon a shallow, saltwater area by the sea but separated from it by sandbars or by coral reefs or islands. [3 definitions]
laid past tense and past participle of lay1.
lain past participle of lie2.
lair a wild animal's shelter; den. [2 definitions]
lake a large, standing body of fresh or salt water that is surrounded on all sides by land.
Lake Baikal a freshwater lake, the deepest and most voluminous in the world, located in the Asian part of Russia.
Lake Erie one of the Great Lakes of North America, bordering the province of Ontario in Canada and the states of New York, Pennyslvania, Ohio, and Michigan in the United States.
Lake Huron one of the Great Lakes that lies between the United States and Canada. Lake Huron is located to the northeast of the U.S. state of Michigan and contains the large Canadian island of Manitoulin.
Lake Maracaibo a large tidal bay in northwestern Venezuela linked with an arm of the Caribbean Sea by a narrow strait.
Lake Michigan a large lake that is one of the Great Lakes of North America and borders the U.S. states of Illnois, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Lake Michigan reaches the furthest south of the Great Lakes and borders the city of Chicago at its southern end.
Lake Ontario the smallest of the Great Lakes, lying between the state of New York in the United States and the province of Ontario in Canada.
Lake Superior a large lake that lies between the United States and Canada. Lake Superior is the westernmost and largest of the five Great Lakes.
Lake Titicaca a large, deep lake in South America located in the Andes mountains between the countries of Bolivia and Peru.
Lake Victoria a large freshwater lake, the largest in Africa, located partly in Kenya and partly in Tanzania and Uganda.
lamb a young sheep, esp. one not weaned. [5 definitions]
lame permanently disabled, esp. in a foot or leg. [4 definitions]
lamp a device that provides an artificial source of light. [3 definitions]
lance a spearlike weapon with a long shaft and pointed metal head, used by mounted troops. [3 definitions]
land the solid portion of the earth's surface. [12 definitions]
landform any of the earth's topographic features, such as a mountain or canyon, that have been formed by natural forces of movement, erosion, or the like.
landing the act of one that lands. [3 definitions]