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lately recently.
later comparative of "late." [5 definitions]
lateral of, from, pertaining to, or in the direction of a side or sides. [4 definitions]
latest superlative of "late." [3 definitions]
lathe a machine on which a piece of wood, metal, or other hard material is turned against a tool that shapes, cuts, or abrades it. [2 definitions]
lather foam produced by soap or detergent agitated in water. [7 definitions]
Latin the language of ancient Rome, from which the Romance languages are derived. [6 definitions]
Latina a woman or girl who is a native or citizen of a Latin American country, or an American woman or girl of Latin American origin. [2 definitions]
Latin America collectively, those countries in the Western Hemisphere south of the United States, in which the predominant language is a Romance language, such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, or a Creole.
Latin American of or having to do with Latin America, or its people or languages.
Latino a native of Latin America, or an American of Latin American descent (used in reference to males or to males and females). [2 definitions]
latitude the angular distance between the equator and a point north or south on the earth's surface, as measured in degrees. [3 definitions]
latke a pancake, esp. one made of grated potatoes.
latter the second of two mentioned. [3 definitions]
lattice a flat, open framework made by interweaving two sets of parallel strips of material, usu. wood, often used as a decorative screen, as on a porch or in a garden. [3 definitions]
Latvia a country of East Europe bordered by the Baltic Sea, Russia, Estonia, and Lithuania; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union.
laugh to express amusement, happiness, mirth, derision, or other emotions by making nonverbal sounds with the mouth and distorting the face in an expression like a smile (often fol. by "about" or "at"). [6 definitions]
laughable exciting laughter or derision.
laughter the act or sound of laughing. [2 definitions]
launch1 to propel with force. [6 definitions]
launch2 a large open boat propelled by a motor. [2 definitions]