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lawn mower a machine with a rotary blade that cuts the grass of a lawn.
lawsuit a case prosecuted in a court of law.
lawyer one whose profession is to advise clients about legal matters and conduct lawsuits in court; attorney.
lay1 to place, put, or spread (something long or flat) over a surface. [13 definitions]
lay3 past tense of lie2.
layer a thickness of something that is spread over a surface. [5 definitions]
layoff the dismissal or temporary suspension of employees. [2 definitions]
lazy inclined to avoid effort or exertion. [3 definitions]
lb. abbreviation of "pound," or "pounds," a unit of weight equal to sixteen ounces or 453.592 grams in the avoirdupois weight system, and equal to twelve ounces or 373.242 grams in the apothecaries' and troy weight systems.
lead1 to conduct or give direction to; guide. [20 definitions]
lead2 a chemical element that has eighty-two protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a very dense, malleable bluish gray metal used in many applications requiring high density, such as radiation shielding, shot, and weights. (symbol: Pb) [10 definitions]
lead a dog's life to have a life of misery and trouble.
leader one that leads. [4 definitions]
leadership the abilities or qualities, such as confidence, courage, and sound judgement, that make one a leader. [3 definitions]
leaf one of the usu. green, flat parts of a plant that grow from the stem or branch and produce food by photosynthesis, or a similar growth or structure. [7 definitions]
leaflet a piece of paper, often folded, that contains printed information or advertisements and is usu. distributed free of charge. [3 definitions]
league1 an association or compact of nations, groups, or people, formally established to advance a common cause. [4 definitions]
league2 a unit of length equal to about three miles or 4.8 kilometers. [2 definitions]
leak an accidental opening or crack through which something, esp. a liquid or gas, can pass out or in. [10 definitions]
leaky letting gas, water, or odors leak in or out. [2 definitions]
lean1 to bend or incline. [7 definitions]