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lean1 to bend or incline. [7 definitions]
lean2 of humans and animals, having little extra fat on the body. [5 definitions]
lean over backward to make unusually great efforts, as to ensure fairness or to please someone.
lean-to a crude shelter with one sloping side which also serves as the roof, supported at the high end by trees, posts, or other upright members, and often open on the other ends or sides.
leap to spring into the air, moving straight up or to another position. [6 definitions]
leapfrog a game in which one player kneels or bends at the waist while succeeding players jump over him or her. [3 definitions]
leapt a past tense and past participle of leap.
leap year a year in the Gregorian calendar having 366 days which occurs every four years, the extra day, February 29, making up the quarter day difference between the common year and the astronomical year. [2 definitions]
learn to gain knowledge of through study, experience, or research. [5 definitions]
learned well-educated; knowledgeable; scholarly. [3 definitions]
learning knowledge gained through systematic study. [2 definitions]
learnt a past tense and a past participle of "learn."
lease a contract or agreement for the occupancy or use of one party's property by another for a specified period of time and in exchange for monetary or other compensation; rental agreement. [5 definitions]
leash a length of leather, chain, rope, or the like, attached to the collar of an animal in order to lead it or keep it under control. [3 definitions]
least superlative of "little." [5 definitions]
leather the tanned or preserved skin of an animal, usu. with the hair or fur removed. [4 definitions]
leave1 to depart or go away from. [10 definitions]
leave2 permission. [3 definitions]
leave alone to allow or cause to be apart from or undisturbed by others. [2 definitions]
leave no stone unturned to use every means possible; consider every possibility.
leave off to cease; stop. [3 definitions]