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Lesotho a country in southeastern Africa that is surrounded by South Africa.
-less not having; without; lacking. [2 definitions]
less comparative of "little." [6 definitions]
lessen to become or make smaller in degree, amount, or size.
lesser a comparative of "little." [3 definitions]
lesson a period of instruction in which particular things are taught, or a particular thing or set of things that are to be learned or studied. [7 definitions]
-let small or lesser.
let to allow; permit. [8 definitions]
let bygones be bygones to forgive and forget former quarrels.
let down to fail to satisfy; disappoint. [5 definitions]
let go to stop holding or holding back (something); set free. [3 definitions]
lethargic feeling lethargy; without energy. [2 definitions]
let off to release (someone), as from punishment; excuse. [3 definitions]
let out to allow (something secret) to be known. [3 definitions]
let's1 contracted form of "let us."
letter a written representation of a speech sound; specific character of an alphabet. [6 definitions]
letterbox (chiefly British) a public depository for outgoing mail; mailbox. [2 definitions]
letter carrier someone who delivers mail, usu. an employee of the postal service.
lettering the process, act, or art of forming letters by printing or writing. [2 definitions]
let the cat out of the bag to reveal a secret.
lettuce any of several varieties of a common, edible annual plant that has large, crisp leaves. [2 definitions]