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lining1 a layer of tissue or other material covering the inside of something. [2 definitions]
link one of the separate closed pieces of a chain. [7 definitions]
linking verb in grammar, a verb that serves mainly to connect a subject and a predicate complement; copula.
linoleum a durable floor covering made by pressing linseed oil, powdered cork, and rosin onto a canvas or burlap backing.
linseed oil a yellowish oil extracted from flaxseed, used in making oil paints, ink, linoleum, and the like.
lion a large carnivorous member of the cat family, native to Africa and parts of Asia, that has a short tan coat and, in the male, a heavy mane. [3 definitions]
lioness a female lion.
lip either of the fleshy upper or lower edges of the mouth that surround it, and are used in speech. [5 definitions]
lip-read to understand (what a person is saying) by looking at his or her lips. [2 definitions]
lipstick a cosmetic for coloring the lips, usu. in stick form in a tubular container.
liquid consisting of molecules that move easily, unlike those of a solid, but tend not to separate, as do those of a gas. [6 definitions]
liquor a distilled alcoholic beverage. [3 definitions]
lira the chief monetary unit of San Marino and Vatican City, equaling one hundred centesimi. [4 definitions]
Lisbon the capital of Portugal.
lisp a speech defect in which "s" is pronounced like the "th" sound in "thick" and "z" is pronounced like the "th" sound in "this". [3 definitions]
list1 a series of individual names or items placed one after another in a written form. [3 definitions]
list2 a leaning to one side, as of a boat or ship; tilt. [2 definitions]
listen to pay attention to (something) using one's ears (often fol. by "to"). [2 definitions]
listener one who listens.
lit1 a past tense and past participle of light1.
liter the basic unit of capacity of the metric system, equal to one cubic decimeter or 1.056 liquid quarts or 0.908 dry quart. (abbr.: l)