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liter the basic unit of capacity of the metric system, equal to one cubic decimeter or 1.056 liquid quarts or 0.908 dry quart. (abbr.: l)
literacy the state of being literate, esp. of having the ability to read or write.
literally in strict accordance with the primary meaning of individual words and generally without regard to phrases as units of meaning. [2 definitions]
literary of or relating to literature or those who create or read literature. [2 definitions]
literate able to read and write. [6 definitions]
literature writings such as dramas, poems, novels, essays, and stories, esp. those that have lasting artistic value. [3 definitions]
Lithuania a country of East Europe bordered by the Baltic Sea, Poland, Belarus, and Latvia; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union.
litmus paper a small strip of white paper treated with litmus, used in chemistry as an indicator of acidity and alkalinity.
litter a disorderly scatter of objects, esp. waste materials. [11 definitions]
little small in size. [8 definitions]
little by little in small amounts; gradually.
Little Dipper the constellation Ursa Minor.
live1 to have life or to remain alive; exist in an active state. [10 definitions]
live2 being alive; possessing life. [6 definitions]
live high on (or off) the hog (informal) to live in a wealthy or extravagant style or manner.
livelihood means of subsistence.
lively full of life or vitality. [6 definitions]
liver1 a large reddish brown organ in vertebrates that secretes bile and cleanses the blood and is located in the abdominal cavity. [3 definitions]
livery a uniform worn by a male servant such as a footman or chauffeur. [4 definitions]
lives pl. of life.
livestock (used with a sing. or pl. verb) domestic animals, such as cows, horses, or sheep, raised or kept on a farm or ranch.