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lorry a low, sideless wagon drawn by horses. [3 definitions]
Los Angeles a seaport in southern California.
lose to no longer possess; be unable to find; misplace. [10 definitions]
lose one's balance to become unstable or fall.
lose one's shirt (informal) to lose all that one owns.
loss a defeat or failure to win. [6 definitions]
lost not able to be found or no longer possessed. [6 definitions]
lost and found an office or department in a public place where lost property is held until it is claimed or disposed of.
lost in the shuffle disregarded, ignored, or misplaced in the general confusion.
lot a large amount or number. [8 definitions]
lotion a liquid medication prescribed for external use on the skin. [2 definitions]
lottery a game of chance in which contestants purchase or are given tickets and the winner is chosen randomly. [2 definitions]
lotus any of various flowering plants that live in the water, including some waterlilies. [2 definitions]
loud of sound, having an elevated volume; easily heard. [6 definitions]
loudspeaker an electronic apparatus that amplifies and broadcasts sound in one location, such as a room or stadium.
Louisiana a southern U.S. state between Mississippi and Texas. (abbr.: LA)
lounge to spend one's time relaxing. [8 definitions]
louse any of a large variety of very small, flightless, parasitic insects that live on the bodies of mammals and birds. [3 definitions]
lousy having many lice, as on the body. [4 definitions]
lovable having a nature that attracts love.
love deep and strong affection for another person or thing, esp. a friend, relative, or pet. [12 definitions]