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louse any of a large variety of very small, flightless, parasitic insects that live on the bodies of mammals and birds. [3 definitions]
lousy having many lice, as on the body. [4 definitions]
lovable having a nature that attracts love.
love deep and strong affection for another person or thing, esp. a friend, relative, or pet. [12 definitions]
lovely physically beautiful in an especially charming way. [3 definitions]
loving feeling or showing love.
low1 close to the ground or to the bottom of something; not high. [16 definitions]
lower1 to cause to move to a position below; let down. [9 definitions]
lower case in printing, the tray containing the type for the smaller, noncapital letters. (Cf. upper case.)
low tide the tide at its lowest ebb, or the time at which this occurs. [2 definitions]
loyal showing steady adherence, service, or faithfulness, as to a government, group, person, ideal, or the like (often fol. by "to").
loyalty the condition of being faithful or loyal. [2 definitions]
lozenge a small piece of medicated hard candy, sucked to ease a sore throat or cough.
lubricate to coat or supply with a lubricant. [2 definitions]
luck the supposed force behind the apparently causeless or random occurrence of an event or events; fortune; chance. [2 definitions]
luckily by fortunate chance.
lucky resulting from or having good fortune. [2 definitions]
lug1 to move with a great effort, esp. by pulling or lifting. [2 definitions]
luggage suitcases or other containers for transporting personal possessions on trips; baggage.
lukewarm only slightly warm; tepid. [2 definitions]
lull to calm, soothe, or cause to sleep, as by sounds, movements, or the like. [4 definitions]