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lurch1 a sudden sideways motion, as of a boat. [4 definitions]
lure anything that attracts by some desirable quality. [3 definitions]
lurk to be hidden, esp. so as to ambush; lie in wait. [3 definitions]
luscious having a highly appealing smell or taste. [2 definitions]
lush of plants, growing abundantly. [3 definitions]
lust strong feelings of sexual desire. [3 definitions]
luster the quality of a surface that reflects light softly; gloss; sheen. [5 definitions]
lute an ancient stringed instrument having a bent, fretted neck and a pear-shaped body.
Luxembourg a small European country bordered by Germany, France, and Belgium. [2 definitions]
luxuriant of plants, growing densely and abundantly; lush. [3 definitions]
luxurious marked by or providing luxury, great comfort, or opulence. [3 definitions]
luxury that which provides pleasure but is not essential. [3 definitions]
-ly in (such) a way or manner. [4 definitions]
lye a corrosive substance, esp. potassium or sodium hydroxide, usu. dissolved in water.
lying1 the telling of lies. [3 definitions]
lying2 present participle of lie2.
lymph a transparent, usu. yellowish liquid produced by body tissues that is rich in white blood cells.
lynx any of several medium-sized wild cats having soft, spotted fur and tufted ears.
lyre a harplike musical instrument of ancient Greece.
lyric of poetry, having a musical rhythm or feeling, often with an emotional or personal subject. [6 definitions]
lyrical lyric. [2 definitions]