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majorette see "drum majorette."
majority the greater number or amount; a number or amount greater than half. [4 definitions]
major league either of the two highest-level leagues of professional baseball teams in the U.S. [2 definitions]
major scale in music, a scale of whole steps, with two half-steps that occur between the third and fourth and seventh and eighth steps.
make to bring into being by constructing from separate parts. [19 definitions]
make a dent in to make progress, esp. by lessening a burden. [2 definitions]
make amends to try to satisfy someone for offensive or injurious behavior, as with an apology.
make a spectacle of oneself to behave disreputably or foolishly in public.
make-believe invention; pretending. [2 definitions]
make believe to pretend or imagine.
make both ends meet to make enough money to pay for essential things.
make ends meet to make enough money to pay for essential things.
make fun of to make (a person or thing) the object of ridicule.
make it to do well; succeed. [2 definitions]
make light of to treat as or consider trivial or unimportant.
make one's blood boil to provoke anger or resentment.
make one's blood run cold to make one terrified.
make one's hair stand on end to strike with terror or fear.
maker someone or something that makes. [2 definitions]
makeshift a temporary or improvised arrangement. [2 definitions]
makeup cosmetics, esp. when applied to the face to enhance or alter the appearance. [4 definitions]